- 93-334 Bach V. , Lieb E. H. , Solovej J. P.
- Generalized Hartree-Fock Theory and the Hubbard Model
(231K, Plain TeX)
Dec 20, 93
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Abstract. The familiar unrestricted Hartree-Fock variational principle is
generalized to include quasi-free states. As we show, these are in
one-to-one correspondence with the one-particle density matrices and
these, in turn provide a convenient formulation of a generalized
Hartree-Fock variational principle, which includes the BCS theory as a
special case. While this generalization is not new, it is not well
known and we begin by elucidating it. The Hubbard model, with its
particle-hole symmetry, is well suited to exploring this theory because
BCS states for the attractive model turn into usual HF states for the
repulsive model. We rigorously determine the true, unrestricted
minimizers for zero and for nonzero temperature in several cases,
notably the half-filled band. For the cases treated here, we can
exactly determine all broken and unbroken spatial and gauge symmetries
of the Hamiltonian.
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