- 14-4 Wolf Jung
- Core entropy and biaccessibility of quadratic polynomials
(637K, pdf)
Jan 19, 14
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Abstract. For complex quadratic polynomials, the topology of the
Julia set and the dynamics are understood from another perspective by
considering the Hausdorff dimension of biaccessing angles and the core
entropy: the topological entropy on the Hubbard tree. These quantities
are related according to Thurston. Tiozzo [arXiv:1305.3542] has shown
continuity on principal veins of the Mandelbrot set M . This result
is extended to all veins here, and it is shown that continuity with
respect to the external angle theta will imply continuity in the
parameter c . Level sets of the biaccessibility dimension are
described, which are related to renormalization. H\"older asymptotics
at rational angles are found, confirming the H\"older exponent given
by Bruin--Schleicher [arXiv:1205.2544]. Partial results towards local
maxima at dyadic angles are obtained as well, and a possible
self-similarity of the dimension as a function of the external angle is
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