- 04-396 Marius M\u antoiu and Radu Purice
- Strict Deformation Quantization for
a Particle in a Variable Magnetic Field
(450K, Postscript)
Nov 22, 04
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Abstract. Recently, we introduced a mathematical framework for the quantization
of a particle in a variable magnetic field. It consists in a modified
form of the Weyl pseudodifferential calculus and a $C^*$-algebraic
setting, these two points of view being isomorphic in a suitable sense.
In the present paper we leave Planck's constant vary, showing that one
gets a strict deformation quantization in the sense of Rieffel.
In the limit $\h\rightarrow 0$ one recovers a Poisson algebra induced
by a symplectic form defined in terms of the magnetic field.
- Files:
04-396.keywords ,
mp-rieffel-6.ps )