- 04-342 M. Berti, P. Bolle
- Cantor families of periodic solutions for completely resonant nonlinear wave equations
(264K, dvi )
Oct 29, 04
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Abstract. We prove existence of small amplititude $2 \pi/omega$ periodic solutions of
completely resonant nonlinear wave equations with Dirichlet boundary
conditions for any frequency $\omega$ belinging to
a Cantor-like set of positive measure and for a new set
of nonlinearities. The proof relies on a suitable Lyapunov-Schmidt
decomposition and a variant of the Nash-Moser Implicit Function Theorem,
In spite of the complete resonance of the equation we show that we can
still reduce the proble to a finite dimensional bifurcation equation.
Moreover, a new simple approach for the inversion of the
linearized operators required by the Nash-Moser approach is
developed. It allows to deal also
with nonlinearities which are not off and with finite spatial regularity.
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