- 04-291 Anton Bovier, Irina Kurkova
- Poisson convergence in the
restricted $k$-partioning problem
(479K, pdf)
Sep 20, 04
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Abstract. The randomized $k$-number partitioning
problem is the task to distribute $N$ i.i.d. random variables into $k$
groups in such a way that the sums of the variables in each group are
as similar as possible. The restricted $k$-partitioning problem
refers to the case where the number of elements in each group is fixed
to $N/k$. In the case $k=2$ it has been shown that the properly
rescaled differences of the two sums in the close to optimal
partitions converge to a Poisson point process, as if they were
independent random variables. We generalize this result to the case
$k>2$ in the restricted problem and show that the vector of differences
between the $k$ sums converges to a $k-1$-dimensional Poisson point process.
- Files:
04-291.keywords ,
npp1609.pdf.mm )