- 03-77 David Damanik, Rowan Killip
- Half-line Schrodinger Operators With No Bound States
(102K, AMS-LaTeX)
Feb 28, 03
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Abstract. We consider Sch\"odinger operators on the half-line, both discrete
and continuous, and show that the absence of bound states implies
the absence of embedded singular spectrum. More precisely, in the
discrete case we prove that if $\Delta + V$ has no spectrum
outside of the interval $[-2,2]$, then it has purely absolutely
continuous spectrum. In the continuum case we show that if both
$-\Delta + V$ and $-\Delta - V$ have no spectrum outside
$[0,\infty)$, then both operators are purely absolutely
continuous. These results extend to operators with finitely many
bound states.
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