- 03-391 V. Baladi, E.R. Pujals, and M. Sambarino
- Dynamical zeta functions for analytic surface diffeomorphisms
with dominated splitting
(147K, AMS TeX)
Aug 29, 03
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Abstract. We consider a real-analytic compact surface diffeomorphism for which
the tangent space over the nonwandering set admits a dominated
splitting. We study the Ruelle-Fredholm dynamical determinant
d(z). By combining previous work of Pujals and Sambarino
on C2 surface diffeomorphisms with, on the one hand, results of
Rugh on hyperbolic analytic maps, and on the other, our
two-dimensional version of Rugh's analysis of one-dimensional
analytic dynamics with neutral fixed points, we prove that df(z)
is either entire or a holomorphic function in a (possibly
multiply) slit plane.
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