- 03-2 N. Chernov, J. L. Lebowitz, Ya. Sinai
- Dynamics of a Massive Piston in an Ideal Gas
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Jan 1, 03
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Abstract. We study a dynamical system consisting of a massive piston in a
cubical container of large size $L$ filled with an ideal gas. The
piston has mass $M\sim L^2$ and undergoes elastic collisions with
$N\sim L^3$ non-interacting gas particles of mass $m=1$. We find
that, under suitable initial conditions, there is, in the limit $L
\to \infty$, a scaling regime with time and space scaled by $L$,
in which the motion of the piston and the one particle
distribution of the gas satisfy autonomous coupled equations
(hydrodynamical equations), so that the mechanical trajectory of
the piston converges, in probability, to the solution of the
hydrodynamical equations for a certain period of time. We also
discuss heuristically the dynamics of the system on longer
intervals of time.
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