- 01-435 M.Campanino, D.Ioffe, Y.Velenik
- Ornstein-Zernike Theory for the finite range Ising models above T_c
(312K, latex2e with 5 PS figures)
Nov 27, 01
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Abstract. We derive precise Ornstein-Zernike asymptotic formula for the decay
of the two-point function in the general context of finite range Ising
type models on Z^d.
The proof relies in an essential way on the a-priori knowledge of the
strict exponential decay of the two-point function and,
by the sharp characterization of phase transition due to Aizenman,
Barsky and Fernandez, goes through in the whole of the high temperature
region T > T_c.
As a byproduct we obtain that for every T > T_c, the inverse correlation
length is an analytic and strictly convex function of direction.
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