- 01-142 Michael Heid, Hans-Peter Heinz, Tobias Weth
- Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problems Of Schr�dinger Type Admitting
Eigenfunctions With Given Spectral Characteristics
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Apr 11, 01
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Abstract. The following work is an extension of our recent paper \cite{HdHz99}. We
still deal with nonlinear eigenvalue problems of the form
A_0 y + B(y) y = \lambda y
in a real Hilbert space $\cH$ with a semi-bounded self-adjoint operator
$A_0$, while for every y from a dense subspace $X$ of $\cH$, $B(y)$ is a
symmetric operator. The left--hand side is assumed to be related to a certain
auxiliary functional $\psi$, and the associated linear problems
A_0 v + B(y) v = \mu v
are supposed to have non-empty discrete spectrum $\: (y \in X)$.We
reformulate and generalize the topological method presented by the authors in
$\cite{HdHz99}$ to construct solutions of (*) on a sphere $S_R := \{ y \in X
| \: \|y\|_{\cH} = R\}$ whose $\psi$-value is the $n$-th \ls level of $\psi
|_{S_R}$ and whose corresponding eigenvalue is the $n$-th eigenvalue of the
associated linear problem (**), where $R > 0$ and $n \in \nz$ are given. In
applications, the eigenfunctions thus found share any geometric property
enjoyed by an $n$-th eigenfunction of a linear problem of the form (**). We
discuss applications to elliptic partial differential equations with radial
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